
Diode image

A diode is a component that allows current to flow only in one direction. When determining the direction of the diode, look for the end with a black bar. The side with the black bar is the negative side. When looking at the PCB board, the negative side has a square pad and also has a bar nearest to that side.

Getting Started

Reminder: to get out of any selected tool, just press escape.

First open up both the Component Editor and the Pattern Editor and then open the two files you created in the introduction.


Step One

In the component editor make sure you have a new component, otherwise just create a new one by going to Component> add new to library. In the component properties box in the upper right corner input the following values: name = diode, RefDes = D.

Component Properties Window

In some cases, such as this one, the component is already done for you. So lets just add it in.

Warning: make sure you don't have any finished component selected, as this step will replace it.
Go to Component > Get From Library

Skip the blue text if discrete (_discrete.eli) is already there.
Click add and navigate to the library folder if you're not there yet (It's usually located in C:\program files\diptrace\lib). Select _discrete.eli.

Select discrete on the left column and type diode in search and click search (don't press enter). DIODE should show up as the first thing, select it and press OK.

Get Component Window

Now right click on each of the sides and go to pin properties, change the value A to 1 and the value K to 2.

Pin Properties Window

Save your work now.

If you have already created the resistor in the pattern editor, just select the entire resistor, copy it, create a new pattern name it diode, set RefDes to D and paste it into the diode. Add a line going across the rectangle perpendicular to the longer edge and place it closer to pad 2 (about 2/3 the distance from pad 1). Right click on pad 2 (should be the top) and select pad properties. Deselect "default for pattern" and select rectangle for shape. Skip step 2 and go to step 3.

Step Two

Now we have to create the physical representation of the diode.

Go to the pattern editor. Make a new pattern if there isn't one already by going to pattern > add new to library

Fill in the same information as you did with the component editor in the pattern properties box. Now in pattern properties box set type as lines with the following values: number 1 = 2, number 2 = 2, spacing 1 = 0mm, spacing 2 = 12.5mm.

Pattern Properties Window

Select the Rectangle tool and draw a rectangle.
Objects > Place Shape > Rectangle (or click on the icon in the tool bar)

Press escape and right click on the rectangle and click on properties. just as the image shows, the values are (in mm) X1 = -1, X2 = 1, Y1 = 4 and Y2 = -4.

Shape Propeties window and rectangle drawing

Right click on pad 2 (should be the top) and select pad properties. Deselect "default for pattern" and select rectangle for shape.

Pad 2 Window

Now using a line tool draw a line perpendicular to the longer edge across the rectangle. Position the line closer to pad 2 such that it's a third to a fourth of the rectangle towards pad 2.

Rectangle Drawing

Save your work.


Step Three

We are now on the last and easiest step. In the component editor go to Component> attach pattern. In the library section, click on add and add your pattern file. Select diode, which we just created. If everything was done correctly, pin one should match up with pad one and so on.

Warning: make sure everything matches the picture as this component is sensitive to direction.

Attached Pattern window

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