SMT Chip

SMT ChipA SMT chip is an integrated circuit in an SMT package. SMT stands for surface mount technology, which means the chip is mounted on the surface. Unlike through-hole components, SMT's don't have pins that go through the board. The advantage in doing so is that you can run traces underneath the pads, but in this tutorial we will just stick to a single sided board. The particular chip we will be using is the LM311M. When identifying pin 1, look for a pad larger than the rest or a rectangular border around it on the PCB board.

Getting Started

Reminder: Get out of any selected tool by pressing "escape."

First open up both the Component Editor and the Pattern Editor and then open the two files you created in the introduction.

Remember to change units go to view> units> and select the correct unit of measurement.

Step One

In the component editor make sure you have a new component, otherwise just create a new one by going to Component> add new to library.

In the component properties box in the upper right corner input the following values: name = LM311M, Type = rectangle, RefDes = U, Width = 8mm, Pin Spacing = 3mm, left pins = 4, right pins = 4.

Component Properties window

Now use the rectangle tool to draw a rectangle in the center touching all pins.

Rectangle drawing in center of grid

Save your work now.


Step Two

Now we have to create the physical representation of the SMT.

Go to the pattern editor. Make a new pattern if there isn't one already by going to pattern > add new to library

Fill in the same information as you did with the component editor in the pattern properties box. Now in pattern properties box set type as lines with the following values: number 1 = 2, number 2 = 8, spacing 1 = 1.27mm, spacing 2 = 6mm.

Pattern Properties window

Select all the pads, then right click on one of them and select pad properties. Deselect Default for pattern. Set shape to rectangle, width to .5mm and height to 1.5mm. Change through to surface and make hole 0mm.

Pad 8 window

Select pad 1 and change height from 1.5 to 2mm.

Pad 1 window

Select the Rectangle tool and draw a rectangle around pad 1.

Image of Pad 1 with rectangle drawn around it

Save your work.


Step Three

We are now on the last and easiest step. In the component editor go to Component> attach pattern. In the library section, click on add and add your pattern file. Select LM311M, which we just created. If everything was done correctly, pin one should match up with pad one and so on.

Attached Pattern window

Save your work.

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