
Ground arrowGround isn't really a physical component, but rather a way to connect all grounding points in the schematics without having to draw a line to every point.


Getting Started

First open up the Component Editor and the file you created.

Step One

There is really only one step for this one. All you need to do is get the component from an existing library, just as we did for some of the other components.

First make sure you have a new component or create one by going to Component> add new to library.

Warning: make sure you don't have any finished component selected, as this step will replace it.

Go to Component > Get From Library

Skip the blue text if disc_sch (_discrete_sch.eli) is already there.

Click add and navigate to the library folder if you're not there yet (It's usually located in C:\program files\diptrace\lib). Select _discrete_sch.eli.

Select disc_sch on the left column and type GND in search and click search (don't press enter). only one result should show up, select it and press OK.

Get Component window

Save your work now.

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